Saturday, July 10, 2010

Frogs in the shower!


It all started with the discovery of mice in my cabin, then I walked into the bathroom the other day and found these little guys crawling all over the showers! There must have been about 10 of them! It made me think about the plague of frogs that God brought upon Egypt.

It was hard to get pictures of them because they were in constant motion!

One was perched up near the ventilation fan.

He was camouflaged pretty well against the ventilation cover.

I walked back into my cabin and turned on the light when I saw this little guy fall off the ceiling. He immediately jumped on the back of the door and stayed there for a while. He was by far the most cooperative while I took his picture. : P

He was about as big as your thumbnail...I wonder how many frogs made it into my bed that night...

1 Response to Frogs in the shower!

July 27, 2010 at 6:29 AM

The REAL question is: how many frogs made it in your mouth! Lol! If my "big, little" brother David came down to Camp - he would eliminate that problem in NO TIME!

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